Our book editing services offer non-fiction and fiction manuscript editorial services for new writers as well as authors with publishing / self-publishing experience.
Once you have written your manuscript, whether it is a fiction novel, memoir, non-fiction book, children’s book or any other genre, our professional book editing services can help to ensure your finalised and published book becomes a reality.
So, you want to self publish a book?
You may have written it yourself or it may have been written by someone you know.
It may be just for the enjoyment of yourself, family and friends.
You may have had your proposal rejected by publishers.
You may just want to have full control over your book, which you would lose if your manuscript went to a publisher.
Whatever the reason, Sunflower Publishing can help
Do you have a clear plan and schedule when it comes to book marketing?
Or are your marketing plans more sporadic and disorganized?
Have you been putting off your marketing efforts for weeks (or months!) because it just seems to overwhelm you?
Have you thought about how you'll continue marketing after your book launch?
Book a zoom chat with me. I can help you learn how to pin down the marketing timeline so you can finally make book marketing work for you!